6 Ways to Ease your Anxiety while Social Distancing

03 junio, 2020

As the New Normal starts to set in and we find ourselves facing a different reality, you may find yourself grappling with feelings of fear, depression or anxiety. With the uncertainty we face today, its getting harder and harder to stay positive and just hope for the best. And while everything is opening up, social distancing is still a very important aspect of the New Normal. Its important to remember that this is necessary for us to limit the transmission of COVID-19. Apart from your physical health, you should also very close attention to your mental health. Weather youre working from home, looking for the next opportunity or even a student, here are a few tips that you can use to try and improve your mental health.


Keep yourself Hydrated

Now this may seem like a tip that youve heard time and time again but, theres more to keeping hydrated then just ensuring that youre never thirsty.  Water has been proven to boost your immunity (a useful aspect that can protect you from COVID-19), keeping yourself hydrated has also proven to boost brain activity. And while boosted brain activity may mean more productivity, it also means that your mind has more room to heal and breathe. Learning to avoid excessive coffee can also help as it leads to dehydration and an increased heart rate that could trigger anxiety. Stimulants such as coffee should be taken in moderation and should be backed up with loads of water. Remember when it comes to a healthy mind, a healthy body is also a big factor. A simple way to increase your water intake is by setting a daily goal and tracking how much you actually drink. You can try all sorts of apps or simply take it down on your notebook. What matters is that you keep yourself hydrated and healthy.


Use the Internet to Really Connect

Nowadays interaction is but a click away. When it comes to mounting social anxieties, take this time to connect with the people you care about most in life. Be it family, friends or even your co-workers or classmates, fighting isolation through deep connections is the key to better interactions and a calm mind. Remember to connect with the people that help boost your mental health most. Avoid individuals or groups that may trigger your anxieties; no need to block or unfollow, you can simply mute or hide them from your timeline. Remember that when it comes to connection, you have the opportunity to connect with the things that enrich and aid you.


Limit your Screen Time
Although the wonders of the internet can help us stay connected, too much of a good thing can also be bad for you. Try to limit your screen time, now more than ever its tempting to escape reality through the screen but remember its also important to disconnect with technology and reconnect with whats around us. When it comes to keeping informed, select credible sources such the WHO (World Health Organization) or the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to stay informed with. Its important to stay aware but its also important to taper the amount of news you receive on a daily basis. Over congesting your mind too much news can lead to anxiety and can actually do more harm than good.


Reinvent Your Space

Now that most of us are stuck indoors, cabin fever could be driving you insane. A great way to remedy this is by reinventing your space. Putting a bit more love in the spaces you frequent, can relieve the feeling of being trapped in your home. It can be as simple as organizing some drawers! You can even opt to make spaces such as your home office more enjoyable and convenient with plants or even with ergonomic furniture. Your space is your own and the key is personalizing and optimizing.


Discover what Grounds You

When it comes to dealing with anxiety, discovering what grounds you can help you navigate your way through an attack. And while this should in no way be taken as medical advice, it has been proven to help aid those who may be suffering with anxiety. Grounding is all about trying to navigate through distress by putting emphasis on your five senses. You can do this through breathing exercises, or even the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. Anxiety is different for every person, remember that its important to seek for medical advice from trusted professionals and reliable sources.    


Dont be afraid to ask for help

Our last tip is all about removing the stigma of asking for help when it comes to your mental health. Weather its reaching out to your guidance counselor or talking to a trusted friend, always remember that you arent alone and that theres no shame in asking for help. There are online counseling options and even online resources from the WHO (World Health Organization). Whats important is that you find the help that you need and reach out to the people who care about you.